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Workshop on Devices to Treat Obesity


Federal Register Notice: FDA will hold a public workshop 12/19-20 entitled “Changing Regulatory and Reimbursement Paradigms for Medical Devices in the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases: How to Estimate and Reward True Patient-Centric Value in Innovation.” The agency is co-sponsoring the workshop with the American Gastroenterological Association to facilitate discussion on developing medical devices for treating morbid obesity and other metabolic diseases and evolving approaches for the regulation and reimbursement of minimally invasive procedures. The public workshop is being rescheduled due to the government shutdown and the title of the workshop has been changed. It will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 12/20, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Grand Hyatt Washington, DC, 1000 H St. NW., Washington, DC. Contact Herbert Lerner, 301-796-6511. To view this notice, click here.