FDA warns consumers against using eight brands of ultraviolet wands for household disinfection due to the risk of unsafe radiation levels.
Attorney Daniel Feith describes three reasons why a recent New Jersey federal court decision helps manufacturers in failure-to-warn cases.
The National Cancer Institute says researchers are expanding a study of micro-organospheres as a model to predict whether a cancer treatment will shri...
FDA accepts for review an Acer Therapeutics NDA resubmission for ACER-001 (sodium phenylbutyrate) for oral suspension for treating patients with urea ...
Medtronics Covidien unit recalls (Class 1) its Palindrome and Mahurkar catheters due to a catheter hub defect that presents a potential leaking condit...
A bill that would establish a task force between the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and FDA to improve communication and coordination in implementin...
FDA approves a Lenstec PMA for its SBL-3 IOL (Segmented Bifocal Lens), a next-generation asymmetric multifocal refractive intraocular lens.
Federal Register notice: FDA makes available a final guidance entitled Cancer Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria: Available Therapy in Non-Curative S...