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Radiation Syndrome Drug Development Guidance

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FDA publishes a draft guidance with information and recommendations to assist in developing drugs to prevent or treat acute radiat...

NCI Sees Revumenib Promise for Some Leukemias

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The National Cancer Institute says Syndax Pharmaceuticals revumenib shows promise in treating some acute myeloid leukemias.

FDA Cautions Compounders on Bulk Sources

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FDA says drug compounders should be sure the active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients they use have been evaluated by thei...

FDA Drug Inspections Slow to Recover: Analysis

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ProPublica says FDA foreign drug manufacturer inspections remain well below pre-pandemic inspection levels.

Guidance Shows Importance of Sponsor Oversight: Attorneys

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Sidley attorneys say a new FDA final guidance on a risk-based approach to clinical trial oversight is significant for trial sponso...

Generic Mifepristone Maker Sues FDA

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Generic mifepristone maker GenBioPro sues FDA to block the agency from taking any actions against the company if a pending court o...

FDA OKs Qulipta Expanded Indication

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FDA approves an expanded indication for AbbVies Qulipta to prevent chronic migraines.

High Court Adds 2 Days to Mifepristone Stay

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The U.S. Supreme Court extends by two days (until 4/21) its administrative stay of a lower courts 4/7 order that would restrict th...

EMA/FDA Bioequivalence Info Sharing Pact Adds Ireland

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An ongoing European Medicines Agency and FDA joint initiative on information sharing involving generic drug bioequivalence study i...

FDA OKs Traditional Approval for Genentechs Polivy

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FDA grants traditional approval of Genentechs Polivy (polatuzumab vedotin-piiq) for combination use with four other drugs in for t...