Federal Register Notice: FDA has determined the regulatory review period for Tracleer is 2,176 days for the extension of a patent ...05/07/2003
Federal Register Final rule: FDA is issuing a final rule establishing conditions under which over-the-counter ingrown toenail reli...05/06/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a guidance for industry entitled Exposure-Response Relationships--Study Design, D...05/06/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee will meet 6/10, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m...05/06/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee will meet 6/12, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Holiday...05/05/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget information on Records and Reports Concerning Ex...05/05/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA is correcting errors in a document that appeared in the 4/8 Federal Register announcing a public meet...04/28/2003
Federal Register Notice: FDA is releasing the criteria it will use to accredit persons for the purpose of conducting inspections o...