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Pediatric Advisory Committee Scheduled to Meet


Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Pediatric Advisory Committee will meet 9/15, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the CDER Conference Roo...

Panels to Discuss Pediatric Antidepressant


Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee and the Pediatric Advisory Committee will meet 9...

Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee Will Meet


Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee of the Pediatric Advisory Committee will meet 9/10 from 8:30 a....

FDA Seeks Information on IRBs


Federal Register Notice: FDA’s proposed collection of information, “Institutional Review Boards” has been submit...

Comments Sought on Nonclinical Lab GLPs


Federal Register Notice: FDA is seeking public comment on the good laboratory practice (GLP) for nonclinical laboratory studies re...

FDA OKs Phoenix Scientific Heartworm Treatment


Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of an abbreviated new animal drug app...

Info on Drugs in Commercial Distribution Sent to OMB


Federal Register Notice: FDA is announcing that a proposed information collection, “Registration of Producers of Drugs and L...

FDA Reclassifies Dental Material


Federal Register Proposed rule: FDA is proposing to reclassify tricalcium phosphate granules for dental bone repair from Class III...

FDA Publishes List of CBER PMAs


Federal Register Notice: FDA is publishing a list of premarket approval applications that have been approved by CBER to inform the...

Comments Sought on Barriers to Pediatric Devices


Federal Register Notice: CDRH is requesting comments on the possible barriers to the availability of medical devices intended to t...