Federal Register Notice: FDA is correcting the 9/16 notice of a public meeting entitled “Preparation for International Confe...09/29/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA is seeking public comment on the information collection provisions of the agency’s requirements...09/29/2008
Federal Register Direct final rule/proposed rule: FDA is amending its regulations to require that the holder of an NDA submit cert...09/26/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a draft guidance for industry, End-of-Phase 2A Meetings. It provides information ...09/26/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA is publishing a list of approved PMAs whose safety and effectiveness summaries are available through ...09/24/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s proposed collection of information, “MedWatch: Food and Drug Administration Medical Pro...09/24/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee will meet 10/21, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ...09/24/2008
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s proposed collection of information, “Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations fo...