FDA Webview
Animal Drugs
Sierra and a sister company, Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, Inc., signed the consent decree, agreeing t...
Animal Drugs
In a 3/15 editorial, the increasingly influential newspaper cited a European Union ban on subtherape...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Notice: 12/29. The Office of Management and Budget approved a collection of informa...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Final rule: 12/17. FDA approved Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.'s supplemental new animal dr...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Notice: 12/17. FDA is making available the final guidance document: Consideration o...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Final rule: 12/22. FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect that Orio...
Animal Drugs
FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine approves the most potent formulation to date of Hoechst Roussel...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register final rule: FDA is amending its regulations to reflect a Fort Dodge Animal Health s...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register notice FDA is updating its regulations to reflect a technical amendment for the pre...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Notice: CVM seeks input on the establishment of resistance and monitoring threshold...
Animal Drugs
The Animal Health Institute (AHI) 4/5 submitted to FDA its detailed criticisms of the agency's propo...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a su...
Animal Drugs
The next deputy director of FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine will be CVM Office of New Animal Dr...
Animal Drugs
Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a ne...
Animal Drugs
An Ohio State University business school study finds that generic drugs made in India are 54% more l...
Animal Drugs
FDA places a clinical hold on BioNTechs Phase 1/2a dose escalation clinical trial evaluating an inve...
Animal Drugs
Consultants from Eliquent Life Sciences say most of FDAs drug inspection-based Warning Letters issue...
Animal Drugs
FDA approves Bimeda Animal Healths SpectoGard (spectinomycin sulfate), the first generic copy of Pha...
Animal Drugs
FDA posts a draft guidance with recommendations on how animal drug sponsors may voluntarily establis...
Animal Drugs
CVM posts its 2021 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing An...