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Guidance on Blood Donor Suitability and West Nile Virus

Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a draft document entitled Guidance for Industry: Assessing Donor Suitability and Blood and Blood Product Safety in Cases of Known or Suspected West Nile Virus Infection, dated this month. The document provides revisions to previously published recommendations for assessing donor suitability and product safety when donors are diagnosed with or suspected of West Nile Virus (WNV) infections based on symptoms and laboratory tests. This draft guidance proposes revised deferral periods for such donors, and updates information on product retrieval and quarantine. When finalized, this guidance will supersede Guidance for Industry: Revised Recommendations for the Assessment of Donor Suitability and Blood and Blood Product Safety in Cases of Known or Suspected West Nile Virus Infection, dated May 2003. To download this guidance, click here. To view this notice, click here.