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FDA Approves Merial’s Eqvalan for 4 New Horse Parasites

Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a Merial Ltd. supplemental new animal drug application with revised labeling including the addition of four new species of internal parasites, for Eqvalan ivermectin oral liquid used in horses. The labeling is approved for the treatment and control of Craterostomum acuticaudatum, Petrovinema poculatum, and Coronocyclus spp., including Coronocyclus coronatus and Coronocyclus labratus. The label descriptions of some currently approved parasite genera are also being revised to add included species for which data already exists in the NADA file and to reflect changes in scientific nomenclature. Also, under the sub-heading “Small Strongyles,” the labeling has been revised to separate the listing of adult species from the fourth-stage larvae. To view this final rule, click here.