Federal Register Notice: FDA Philadelphia District is holding a workshop on FDA clinical trial statutory and regulatory requirements 6/25-26 in Pittsburgh, PA. The workshop will be held in cooperation with the Society of Clinical Research Associates and will include such topics as: Financial incentives and funding, pre-IND (investigational new drug application) meetings and FDA meeting process, medical device aspects of clinical research, informed consent requirements, adverse event reporting, how FDA conducts bioresearch inspections, ethics in clinical research, FDA and confidence in the conduct of clinical research, and how FDA addresses fraud in clinical research. This two-day workshop for the clinical research community targets sponsors, monitors, clinical investigators, institutional review boards and those who interact with them for the purpose of conducting FDA regulated clinical research. The workshop will include both industry and FDA perspectives on proper conduct of clinical trials regulated by FDA. The workshop is scheduled 6/25 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and 6/26, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. at the Pittsburgh Marriott Center City Hotel, 112 Washington Pl., Pittsburgh, PA. Contact Daniel R. Tammariello, Pittsburgh, PA. To view this notice, click here.